It's always important to understand an important characteristic of change; it's undeniable. Change happens whether you participate or not. As it relates to a school, if you aren't willing to change you just might be looking for another place to work. That might be a bit forward, but it's true none the less. The irony about change is when you try something new you just might find out you like it more than you thought.
That's what happened in our last weekly professional development. There was a lot of scuttlebutt that there would be some push back because teachers would have to teach a lesson to their peers. Long story short colleagues that gave the push back told me that was the best weekly PD we had all school year. One colleague said it best, "It's funny that we were so nervous in an environment where we would be supported." That was the take away for me. Someone understood the goal; mutual support.
There are too many "teacher islands" in schools. There are too many great educators doing too many great things in their classrooms for there not to be more great things going on. We do our awesome things and keep them to ourselves, or we struggle in an area and don't ask for support because we don't want to see incompetent. As a younger teacher I was struggling in a particular area so I emailed all of the teachers in my department. A veteran in my department came to my room with some resources. After I thanked the teacher what was said next was tragic. "You shouldn't email everyone like that; they are going to think you can't teach. Just come to me if you need help. They don't think people need help."
What we are finding out, however; is teachers observing other teachers is a powerful tool to help classroom management. According to Education World the is benefit for administrators, teachers, and the school as a whole. Teachers become more reflective with administrators; teachers begin to collaborate with one another; and conversations become more about student achievement instead of student behavior. As our professional learning environments evolve I encourage you to take time and observe you fellow colleagues. You just might be missing out on some cool stuff.
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