Monday, March 19, 2018

It's not always the big change....

I finally got up and went to the  gym this morning.  I decided to go for a swim.  As I was swimming, I realized that it had been a while since I swam.  There was someone that was swimming in the lane next to me.  I paused for a breath between laps and he looked over at me and said, "keep your head up, you'll move faster through the water and not be so out of breath.  People forget how heavy the head is when they are in water."  I took his advice and had an awesome swim.  It's amazing how that small change made such a tremendous difference.  Sometimes when we are attempting to shift ourselves that it is the little change that makes such a huge difference!
What small thing can you change that can make a huge difference?
 Is it personal?
Do you need to get to bed 30 minutes earlier?
How about more "me" time?
More time with the husband, wife, or significant other?
Do you need to spend more time with your own children?
Is it professional?
Do you need more "tools" to reach your students?
Should you try to get next to your more "difficult" students?
Maybe be more productive during your planning?
Could you use an outlet to add a dimension to your professional practice (maybe start a blog)?
Maybe you can say hello to your students as they walk into the classroom?

Those are just suggestions of course.  Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by all of these large scale (or what we perceive to be large scale) changes and don't change anything.  Maybe it isn't anything huge at all we need to change.  Maybe you just need to take that first small step.  Whatever the case may be, a small thing could be just the thing to make your "swim" better than you thought it could have been.

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