Helping black
boys find their voice: The Power of
Thematic Teaching in High School English Classrooms:
What we know:
taught High School English for over 15 years, and I’ve fought the notion that
the classics are “clientele specific.”
In more forward terms you can’t teach the classics if you have a room
comprised of mostly black teenage boys.
You shouldn’t because as we know black boys don’t like to read. The statistics show this to be true. According to the US Department of Education
85% of black boys are not reading on grade level. Three out of four students not on grade level
by grade three are likely to drop out of high school, thus furthering the
school to prison pipeline. I don’t want
to go down the convoluted rabbit hole of why this happens, rather; I would like
to offer some solutions to the problem.
Texts that reach:
an instructional coach I always tell my colleagues to “pull out your best stuff”
for your most challenging students. As
it concerns young black boys, if the text doesn’t “speak” to them they more
than likely won’t read it and do the corresponding work. Listen, we know two things about the
classroom; you need work, and they need grades.
As we do this we need to pick texts that resonate with our black
boys. Some scholars and fellow
colleagues believe these texts need to be ethnic. This is inaccurate. Theme can speak to a reader as loud as race
or ethnicity can. It is important that
black boys read black texts, but black boys shouldn’t read only black texts. The text
needs to move beyond academia and into the reality that many young black boys
are familiar with. Even if the theme you’ve
selected resonates well, you still have to deal with the fact that some of the
boys you have aren’t reading on grade level, yet they have to be able to deal
with grade level text complexity. How do
you do this? You begin with choosing
texts that aren’t complex to understand, but have deep thematic
Fences, The Other
Wes Moore, and A Raisin in the Sun:
These texts—among others—resonate
so deeply because the authors deal with the DuBoisian (I just made that word
up) idea of living behind the veil of being black and American simultaneously.
In addition they add the idea of being male with being black and American. Fences deals with a
father raising boys while reconciling his own personal trauma wrought by his
father and life in post –reconstruction America. The Other Wes Moore looks at two black men with the same name; raised in close proximity to
one another Baltimore, Maryland, and how the choices they made landed one with
a Rhodes Scholarship and the other in prison for the rest of his life. A Raisin in the Sun deals with a husband and father still living with his mother desiring
to be more than what he is, and how this ambition blinds him into making poor
decisions. These are just examples of
straight forward, easy to understand texts that have deep thematic implications.
Forming the essential question
and moving toward the classics…and by classics I mean Shakespeare:
I would often tell my students at
the beginning of the school year, “I love Shakespeare, so we are going to read
it.” Most students are intimidated by
the language, so they never reach the rich thematic implications of his
plays. No fear Shakespeare was a game
changer for me in that regard. So much
so, students would want to give the original text a try! Shakespeare attacks so many different topics
Fate v. Free
Absolute Power
Race and White
Introduced in the right way,
Shakespeare can be a powerful tool for young black boys to see the world.
Hooking boys in:
The essential question to begin a
unit is so powerful in this regard. They
don’t have to be complex either. Who has
issues with their dad? What are your
views on race? Does absolute power
corrupt absolutely? Once again, examples
of how to hook boys into their reading.
If you are prepared for
uncomfortable conversations; these can help your black boys find their voice in
your classroom.
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